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The project

According to the principles of quantum physics,

there is no reality outside of our perception.

Everything we see around us is merely an interpretation by our brain.

In reality, light, colors, and shapes do not exist as we perceive them.

Sound, heat, smells, and tastes do not exist as such either.

At the fundamental level, everything in the universe,

including matter, is a manifestation of energy.

Everything, including ourselves.

Our receptors capture these energies,

and by interpreting them, we create stories.

But the stories we tell ourselves are our own.


We are the creators of our reality

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I therefore invite you on a journey.

An individual or team adventure.

A journey where you are both the starting point and the destination,

where the ultimate destination resides within you.
By discovering yourself, you will learn to understand your perception, and you will realize that by shaping your thoughts,

you hold the ultimate superpower:

the power to create an imminent future that reflects who you are,

that nurtures and supports you, as well as all forms of life around you.

Because you will understand that the entire universe resides within you.
This power is therefore accessible, always present;

you are already using it, but perhaps unconsciously,

creating undesirable results.

Learn to master it and become a conscious leader,influencing the universe simply through the way you perceive it.

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